Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The BIG Review of New Moon

And so the saga continues. Will Bella and Edward ever make out for longer than a few seconds? Will Charlie ever realize that Jacob and Edward are in fact not humans? Why is Bella so attractive to both werewolves and vampires? Why doesn't she want to be a werewolf instead of a vampire?

My students lament that of all of the books, New Moon was the worst. I suppose it's because Edward and Bella are apart for so much of the story. By the third chapter I was tired of Bella's whining, but when I flipped through the pages that were marked October, November, December, etc. I thought I would have to close the book. I can only take so much angst, but then realized (again) what a master Stephanie Meyer really is. While her writing isn't reaching new levels, she has quite a handle on the psyche of a fourteen-year-old girl. It makes sense that Bella would feel nothingness for so long after Edward abandoned her, and I stopped feeling irritated about it, eventually.

I thought for sure when Bella did the destructive things that Edward knew she was doing them, yet at the end when she tells him, he seems surprised. Are we supposed to conclude then that Bella is crazy? That his love was so strong she kept his voice and his thoughts with her?

I can't wait to crack open Eclipse and read it tonight curled in bed awaiting my dreams of Edward and the woods.