Friday, December 05, 2008

Being that "That Teacher"

I just called a student out of class and yelled at her in the hallway. For the first time this year I just yelled at a student. At first it was class as ususal. Then, she started talking about New Moon and I said, don't ruin anything for me, I'm still reading it. Well, a student looked at her and ruined a part of the story, and she started to whine. Not quietly, but fairly loudly. And so I asked her to stop, and hoped we could all go back to reading the play. Romeo and Juliet is taking a lot out of me this year, and I just want it to be finished.

Well, she didn't stop whining, and then she closed her book. I asked her what she was doing, she said "I'm finished with my part." I explained rather loudly that just becuse she was finished with her part didn't mean she didn't have to follow along with everyone else. Then, she opened up her book and began folding the pages in half like loops (not actually creasing them, but putting the edges of the page in the margins) I gave her the eye and said her name. I thought she got it. She undid the pages. Yet, I looked up and she had started doing it again. I told her to stay after class.

We finished reading early, and I asked her into the hallway where I basically unleashed. I said that I didn't want her talking anymore. She was taking the class for the second time and she should do the work. Did that make sense? I want you to go in, sit down and do your assignment and hand it in by the end of the hour. She said "I probably won't do it because I can't pass." I told her I didn't care if she could pass or not. Just because she was failing didn't give her a free pass to not do the work.

Not too long ago, Laura said that teachers are perhaps the only workers who have to beg to do their jobs. People who work public service have some difficult times, but it really isn't the same as begging students to be quiet so we can do our job. Yes, price checker, a customer may be rude to you, but he doesn't take away the clothes or food as you are attempting to scan it. On days like this I feel like I work against everything. The natural order would have been to sit and let everyone talk. Maybe I should start being that teacher.