Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pie Virgin

After school today we piled in Laura's car and headed to Gateway, the only restaraunt to eat at in Spokane. Gateway is a small folksy place complete with pretty bad wallpaper and deer and antler heads. It offers all you can eat fried chicken on Wednesday evening for the church crowd, it's closed on Mondays, and (perhaps best of all) they serve pie.

What's your pleasure? Pumpkin? Pecean? Lemon? Chocolate? They're all there, plus rasin and apple. Flaky crust, browned meringue, and cool centers that they can microwave if you want it hot. I don't even know if they have ice cream because I've never seen anyone take longer than two or three minutes to eat a piece.

Joni announced to no one in particular that she had never had the pie there. "What?!" Laura and I breathed. "I don't think I've ever had their pie." Really? Well, it was decided right then and there. Joni could no longer be a pie virgin.