Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ben Rankin Wins Second in Mayoral Contest

I never thought I would so caught up in the politics of the fourth grade, but this morning as I was trying to figure out what to wear and what I would do in eighth hour, I fleetingly wondered how the election went for Ben. Laura made buttons for the fourth graders to wear featuring a Monopoly looking like character with a top hat. The buttons read "Vote Ben Mayor of Exchange City."

This morning Laura describes ten-year-old Ben almost in tears at Prime Time. He got second, he had wailed. "How do you know you got second?" Laura asks with a bit of hesitation. He explains they had to do a run off against him and Lauren. I don't know Lauren, but apparently she's athletic which translates to popular at the ever exclusive Wanda Gray.

I was beaming for Ben's second place win. That second place win is a first place win, considering he isn't one of the exclusive athletic kids, and prefers books to almost everything else. One strike for bookworms and smart kids across the nation. My fourth grade heart swells inside my almost thirty-year-old body.