Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Women Should be Beaten

The sub who's taken over Danyel's classes while she's been on maternity leave has been the equivalent of introducing a toxin to our school. He tells girls who live in this depressed rural area that men are over women. "Women should bow down to men," I hear him explaining to a young girl who's dating sleaze from this town. Let me just state that again--he says in the hallway on a Monday morning that "women should bow down to men," that "it's been true [his] whole life." That it is still a truth now.

What I know is this: he is an ignorant joke of a man. Even though I teach and live in this lilly white conservative area, I don't often meet such openly closed minded people. I don't like it. It has been a long time since I have felt so small and ignsignificant. It has been a long time since I have felt an urgency to stop something. I hope I'll never forget it.