For the past year, or maybe two, I've been searching for my fat twin. Someone who is about the same body type as me. I'm sure one such twin exists, but finding her is difficult. So now, I'm looking for people to be on the lookout. I have taken pictures of the women who may be my fat twin, but Witt assures me that they in fact are not my fat twin.
Jenflinn, who has never been fat, told me to just take a picture of myself. What a fool. I've seen pictures of me, and I'm always distracted by my fat face or my frizzy hair. Plus, people I know don't take full body pictures of me if they value their lives.
So, if you--readers of this blog (few you are) find my fat twin, please take her picture so we can immediately post it here to the blog. I will leave this space safe until we find her.
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