I must confess at the beginning of this story I had little or no intention of reading the enitre series. I'm typically opposed to series books--since my rapture with V.C. Andrews ended when I was thirteen. Edward and Bella's love seems so unrealistic--and perhaps that's why young girls swoon over it. Thirteen year olds love the idea of love at first sight; for that matter so do some forty year olds, but I'm not entirely in love with that idea anymore.
Meyers does a good job describing the details of the vampires, and she breaks the traditional ideas we have about vampires (sleep in coffins, burn in the light, etc.). If I were to become a vampire, I would look most forward to my heightened sense of smell.
I made Witt get online and order the series for me as soon as I was finished. They should be here in time for me to devour them over Thanksgiving break.
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