Monday, October 06, 2008

Blogging and the World

I keep this blog pretty much to myself, but if people from my life or my district were to stumble on to it, I would like to think that they wouldn't assume that this blog is for them. Quite the contrary really. I choose to blog for myself--sporadically, when I have time (which isn't all that often). I got this link to an article in my NCTE post, and it warns about posting private information about my last hangover or my political views, but it seems to me that if I choose to write about these things, I am choosing to do so under the guise that someone has to look pretty hard to find out that I'm blogging.

Yes, I'm a teacher, and yes I have a persona, but a part of that persona is that I am not my job. I love what I do, but I also love a lot of other things as well. That's what this blog is a testimony to--not one aspect, but all the layers that make me, me.