Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why does that kid hate me?

Each year there seems to be one or two kids that just don't like me This year, though, there seems to be about a dozen. Perhaps it's becuase I've been gone for two of the four weeks we've been here. Maybe it's just an off year. Maybe that kid Kyle has a bug up his nose. Whatever it is, I'm a little sad about it. There seems to be at least one freshman in each section who rolls his eyes at me and grimaces when I talk.

In third hour that kid is Kyle. He's also in my homeroom which makes it that much harder to deal with. Twice a day? Really? He has a chip on his shoulder the size of Mt. Everest, and to prove it, he rolls his eyes. A lot. Today he was sleeping during homeroom and I asked him to wake up and stop drooling. He looked at me with daggers. Lots of little tiny daggers that peirced the teachery part of my heart.

I guess I should just get over it, but I can't stop thinking--why does that kid hate me? What did I do? And, I don't know that there is anything I can do about it. Probably not, really. There were teachers I just didn't like in school. Mrs. Gault--fifth grade. Mr. Askins--high school biology. My reason was that they were pure evil, but they didn't really do anything to make me think that. And so, maybe that's what Kyle will realize ins a few months or fifteen years. Will the teachery part of my heart feel better until then?