Monday, April 28, 2008

Absent--for three days--Mindedness

I haven't posted on this for three days. Not because something has happened, or something didn't happen, not because I didn't think about it. But, like what typically happens when I start something and think about it a lot--I just didn't get around to it again. I checked FaceBook thirty times, and I checked my email, but I didn't get on here to blog.

I love to start things and leave them. I hate finishing things--not that you can exactly finish a blog, but I don't follow through with things either. When I was growing up, my dad told me I was a dawddler. I never hustled or got into a hurry. Even now when someone needs something quickly from they store, I don't go by myself, lest I lose track of time. I'm not sure what gets me off the path; sometimes I catch myself staring off into space not thinking about anything in particular. Then I'm frazzled and I speed up to make up for the lost time. That's when I forget things. I forget chocolate chips for some cookies, or I forget the milk for the cereal. I have gone to the store only needing a loaf of bread, and come back with everything but. Does this happen to other pepople? If it doesn't is there help for people like me out there?